Community Impact Network

The Community Impact Network is a web application that hosts a community’s currency. This “web app” matches tasks with individuals to create impact, and matches businesses with individuals to exchange with one another. This “smart” money tracks the social and economic impact, ensuring the health and wellbeing of communities.  

Smartphone mockup screenshots of ChangeMaker and ExchangePartner involveMINT app views
mobile device mockup involveMINT app available balance c$ screenshot

Community Currency

Community Currencies are money outside of- but complementary to currencies like the US dollar. More formally known as a scrip, community currencies serve as another way to pay for goods and services. In their simplest form, community currencies are an agreement among members to exchange goods and services.

Proof of Impact

Proof of Impact is a feature enabling individuals to report their impact completing a task. Individuals use the web-app to take photos, videos, record their location, and document UN Sustainable Development Goals. This enables people across the network to see the impact of their work, track progress in reaching goals, and "MINT" community currency in exchange.

mobile device mockup involveMINT app work session timer/ map screenshot


community holding hands icon
No Poverty
heartrate monitor icon
Good Health and Well-Being
global eye icon
Climate Action
orange coffee icon
Zero Hunger
nature/park icon
Life on Land
infinity arrow icon
Responsible Consumption and Production
Together, we can make a difference in our communities, cities, and the world.

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